Wednesday 9 November 2011

Workshop 3: Virtual learning

In today's lesson we learnt about virtual learning platforms! (VLE)

Going through the lesson today was really good to be able to see how much virtual learning can actually make life so much easier for both pupils and teachers, really useful for parents as well.

So what is a VLE and why is it so amazing?

Here is a very brief break down of it all:

A Learning Platform (LP) is “a generic term to describe a system of information and communication technologies that is used to deliver and support leaning” (DfES)

During my Psychology degree, I did a one-year placement at Great Ormond Street Hospital school as a teacher's assistant. In the school, children ranged from being admitted into hospital from as little as one day to about one year. 
There was a particular girl who was admitted into hospital for about 4 months and the homework that her teacher set her was online. The teacher was able to set her classwork and homework for her to complete during her time at the hospital school which was based on the work that her class would have been carrying out as well. The teacher would simply send the work on their school's system and the pupil would log into to her acocunt on the system to receive the work.
This was absolutely brilliant! It meant that she wasn't behind in any of her work and as soon as she was discharged from hospital she would be able to go back into class without being majorly behind. The teachers and TAs at the hospital school helped her with her works during lessons.
This just goes to show that virtual learning is such a valuable tool to have, children can learn from anywhere with internet access!


Possible Implications
  • Not really an implication but there is a false perception that many have of virtual learning where children would sit at a computer all day and thus be cut off from reality and first hand experiences. This is not necessarily true. Virtual learning platforms enable comunication, interaction and the sharing of resources and information via a computer which can positively enhance learning experiences and make them more convenient for children, parents and teachers.
  • Training is required for teachers in order for them to be able to teach and use it with the children. In addition for parents to become involved, they would also need to learn how to use it. This may take some time to be able to get the hang of it. 
  •  As with any online system there is always the risk of it crashing, not working properly, work being lost etc
The following primary schools (along with many others) have Virtual Learning Platforms set up in their schools:
The Virtual Learning Platform in the school is brilliant! They have virtual sugestion box on the page, they have a whole section just for parents and so much more! school won 'Best whole school' for the south East of England in the 2010 ICT Excellence Awards.
They also have so much available with regards to their Virtual Learning Platform. Definitely worth checking out!

...And just to finish off...a few further ideas of uses with Virtual Learning Platform.
  • A child’s future reception teacher could send an email or scanned letter of welcome to the child, and upload a photograph of herself.
  • Create your own games, using 2DIY software. In some schools, Year 1 children are using this software to create the games themselves, and playing them at home, online.
  • Let children use a digital camera at school and at home to freely take a set of photos of whatever interests them and consider adding these to their Learning Journal.
  • Link up with an early years setting in another country through the Comenius eTwinning scheme and at festival times make a video of your celebrations to exchange with your twin. 
After this lesson and some extra research, I can definitely see how useful Virtual Learning Platforms are and have taken note of several ideas that I would definitely like to use with my class in the future when I teach.


Over and out! :)

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